The following recommendations are contained in the Report: Transforming Education through African-Led Research and Solutions

Delivering meaningful impact requires a coalition of the willing to act in concert at all levels — from funding practices that take a long-term view on building a resilient local research ecosystem, to strategic initiatives that create an enabling environment for collaboration and learning, to more organizational efforts that prioritize inclusion, diversity and equity. Because researchers’ needs, policy requirements and broader ecosystem constraints evolve often, such impact will need a mixture of dogged persistence and agile execution.

Over the past few months, we’ve worked to develop a list of recommendations using the insights we collated from African education researchers and practitioners as a foundational element of our process. Based on these insights, we’ve identified five broad recommendations that we hope funders will consider in their work and crowd-in additional resources to break historical patterns and achieve transformative impact in the local research ecosystem. The 5 recommendations are a first step in this direction:

  1. Drive impact by supporting a long-term vision.
  2. Respond to local needs, agendas and initiatives by funding local organizations in ways that support their own missions.
  3. Provide funding across the generation, communication and use of evidence.
  4. Deliberately support the inclusion of women, young people, minorities and other disadvantaged groups in education research.
  5. Promote dynamic learning.